IFF International Institute For Fieldservices S.R.L

Via Ercole Bernabei, 51 90145 Palermo

+39 091 779 50 50

Alessandro Imborgia –  a.imborgia@iff-international.com

Company Profile

For over twenty years, IFF International has been conducting telephone market research through CATI and satisfies the needs of the most important market research institutes and international agencies in all industrial sectors, in particular automotive, food, retail, FMCG, finance & banking, utilities and socio-political studies.

With over 750 native speakers and 240 CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) workstations, we work from Palermo (Italy), London (UK) and Frankfurt (Germany), with an approach to project management that provides a single point of contact between field and customer, in order to optimize processes, and a team of data managers that ensures cleanliness and clarity of data provided.

Since 2016, Ennio Armato has started a company rib to offer modern services, such as CAWI and Webcam Interview, but mainly offers an innovative methodology that allows you to intercept targets on Social and interview them instantly: the Social to CAWI can be an amazing tool in terms of quantity and speed.

More recently, IFF Italia is experimenting to use voice assistants, such as Alexa from Amazon, to conduct online interviews.

Day 1
29 Oct 2019

Ciao, sono Alexa e sto conducendo una ricerca di mercato. Vuoi procedere?

Negli ultimi anni abbiamo esplorato l’utilizzo dei Social Network per intercettare e intervistare respondent, dimostrando che non esistono (quasi) più limiti di penetrazione per la ricerca quantitativa e, talvolta, anche...
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Alessandro Imborgia
Ennio Armato

I vocal assistant e le nuove frontiere della ricerca

In previsione della sua presenza all’Assirm Marketing Research Forum, che si terrà il 29 ottobre 2019 presso Palazzo Mezzanotte a Milano, abbiamo intervistato Alessandro Imborgia, Business Developer – IFF.